This was a residential retail transaction wherein we represented the seller. We listed this home for $369,900 and received 3 offers with only 16 days on market, which was half of the average days on market for the area at the time. We went under contract at $375,000 and were able to negotiate a waiver of the appraisal contingency. The home appraised at $365,000 but we were able to close, as agreed, at $375,000 thanks to our early negotiation tactics. Our sellers were upgrading to a brand new big beautiful home and were absolutely thrilled with the outcome here.
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This was a residential retail transaction wherein we represented the seller. We listed this home for $247,900 and received 3 written offers in the first 3 days! We went under contract and closed above list at $249,000. Our seller was moving out of state and needed to close quickly as a replacement home she had been eyeing had just recently been listed. We were able to facilitate the entire transaction in only 31 days, which was less than the average days on market (within the 6 months preceding the sale) other homes took to simply obtain a contract. Our seller was elated to say the least.
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This was a residential retail transaction wherein we represented the seller and the buyer. We listed this home for $280,000 and after only 12 days on market (compared to a 35 day average) we received 6 offers and we were able to go under contract for $281,000. We closed escrow in a very quick 22 days!
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This was an investment project. Our largest and most intense project to date! We gutted this ENTIRE property and complimented the double fairway view by moving the fireplace and adding a 24 foot panoramic door that blew our prospective buyers away. This home sold for $800,000, which was higher than any of the comps throughout the preceding 3 years. Not too shabby out of 817 custom homes within this luxurious county club community! A true masterpiece and a project we'll never forget.
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This was a residential retail transaction wherein we represented the buyer. The home was listed at $319,900 and we were able to lock it up at $300,000 with a $7,000 credit towards closing costs. The home appraised at $311,000 so our buyers were very pleased. This was their first purchase - it was a pleasure helping them through the entire process.
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This was an investment project that we also listed and resold. We purchased the home for $84,000 and were able to renovate and resell it for $256,000. As of June, 2020, this is still the ONLY listing we've closed escrow on BELOW list - and we're okay with that since it was our own. The average days on market during the 6 months leading up to the listing was 63 so we were very pleased to have been able to lock it up in only 37 days.